
Almost every paper about Arveson systems (i.e. product systems of Hilbert spaces) starts by recalling their basic classification assigning to every Arveson system a type and an index. So it is natural to ask in how far an analogue classification can also be proposed for product systems of Hilbert modules. However, while the definition of type is plain, there are obstacles for the definition of index. But all obstacles can be removed when restricting to the category which we introduce here as spatial product systems and that matches the usual definition of spatial in the case of Arveson systems. This is not really a loss because the definition of index for nonspatial Arveson systems is rather formal and does not reflect the information the index carries for spatial Arveson systems.E0-semigroups give rise to product systems. Our definition of spatial product system, namely, existence of a unital unit that is central, matches Powers' definition of spatial in the sense that the E0-semigroup from which the product system is derived admits a semigroup of intertwining isometries. We show that every spatial product system contains a unique maximal completely spatial subsystem (generated by all units) that is isomorphic to a product system of time ordered Fock modules. (There exist nonspatial product systems that are generated by their units. Consequently, these cannot be Fock modules.) The index of a spatial product system we define as the (unique) Hilbert bimodule that determines the Fock module. In order to show that the index merits the name index we provide a product of product systems under which the index is additive (direct sum). While for Arveson systems there is the tensor product, for general product systems the tensor product does not make sense as a product system. Even for Arveson systems our product is, in general, only a subsystem of the tensor product. Moreover, its construction depends explicitly on the choice of the central reference units of its factors.Spatiality of a product system means that it may be derived from an E0-semigroup with an invariant vector expectation, i.e. from a noise. We extend our product of spatial product systems to a product of noises and study its properties.Finally, we apply our techniques to show the module analogue of Fowler's result that free flows are comletely spatial, and we compute their indices.

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