
Bululawang has been cultivated under increasing environmental pressures every year. Environmental pressures are accepted as one of the impacts of global climate change. This condition will cause a decrease in genetic ability, which can impact decreasing yields. The achievement of point 2.4 SDGs, especially in sugarcane, can be achieved through a sugarcane plant breeding program to improve and increase the genetic quality of several sugarcane varieties often cultivated in Indonesia. Mutation breeding to create high-yielding sugarcane varieties has been carried out by the Plant Breeding Laboratory of the University of Jember to increase national sugar production. Mutation breeding to produce superior sugarcane varieties has been carried out by the Plant Breeding Laboratory of the University of Jember to increase national sugar production. This study aims to obtain new high-yield varieties using the Bululawang variety as the parent. Mutation breeding using EMS mutagen resulted in three selected genotypes (M1, M2, and M3), further developed and tested for multilocation. The selected locations are Sukorambi-Jember District, Arjasa-Jember District, and Pakem-Bondowoso District. This study focuses on the agronomic characteristics and yield components of three mutant sugarcane compared to the Buluawang variety as the parent. Bululawang, M1, and M3 genotypes had high yield stability in all test sites. On the other hand, the M2 genotype was declared a specific-location genotype based on the Finlay and Wilkinson, Eberhart and Russell, and AMMI parametric stability tests.

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