
Since longitudinal and transversal dimensions of the body are under a great influence of genetic factors, in this paper we were concerned with the increase of morphological measures in younger school-age girls measured in 2012 and 2014. The aim of this research was to establish the differences in absolute and relative values of longitudinal and transversal dimensions, body weight and body mass index. The obtained data show the average increase of anthropometric parametres of the girls during the two-year period, that the average body height of the girls measured in 2012 was 133.3±5.42 cm, and in 2014, 145.2±5.71 cm. The increase in body height is 11.9 cm. Other measured longitudinal and transversal dimensions were also statistically significant increased. Relative values of longitudinal and transversal body dimensions are not increased apart from the in crease in the relative hip width that is statistically significant. Namely, the identical ratio of these dimensions and body height has been retained. Body mass index was 17.63± 2.74 kg/VTm2 in 2012, and 18.96±3.24 kg/VTm2 in 2014. The obtained values of body mass index show that on average, the girls measured in 2012 are of normal weight and those measured in 2014 are overweight.

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