
This research is principally concerned with the introduction of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE). This curriculum was trialed in 1987 and was fully implemented in 1992. The political and educational context of this change as well as the role of aural comprehension in this music curriculum compared with the dominant Higher School Certificate (HSC) (Group 1) it immediately replaced will also be investigated. An examination of the teaching of aural comprehension skills in the VCE music classroom also forms part of this research. The researcher has had an abiding interest in this area since beginning his career, which has been concurrent with the introduction and development of the VCE. The impact of this curriculum reform on the critical area of aural comprehension has been dramatic and for this reason this research examines the area of aural comprehension from the perspective of what is asked of the students and how teachers currently address this area in the classroom. In order to examine these matters, a multifaceted research approach is taken utilising a variety of data sources and appropriate data analysis techniques within the context of a multiple case study. The approach employed will be described and placed in a methodological framework. This approach will provide a detailed picture of the introduction of the VCE Music Performance study design (initially called Music Craft) and the significant differences between this curriculum and the most frequently undertaken music credential immediately prior to this, the Higher School Certificate (HSC) Group 1 subject Music A. The political and educational context of this curriculum change and an examination of current teaching practice with respect to aural comprehension skills in the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Unit 3 and 4 Music Performance (Group) and Music Performance (Solo) will also be described and explained.

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