
Two hundred distal radial fractures, with a mean follow up of 20 months (range 6-49), were divided into three groups according to the presence and healing status of an ulnar styloid fracture. The patients underwent both clinical and radiological examination and completed two different questionnaires. One hundred and one, of 200 distal radial fractures, were associated with an ulnar styloid fracture. Forty-six of these developed an ulnar styloid nonunion. The authors encountered significantly higher pain scores (ulnar sided pain p = 0.012), a higher rate of DRUJ instability (p = 0.032), a greater loss of motion and grip strength (p = 0.001), and a poorer clinical outcome in cases with an ulnar styloid fracture, but no differences were apparent when those with healed ulnar styloid fractures or ulnar styloid nonunions were compared (p > 0.05). The investigators propose that the incidence of ulnocarpal complaints following distal radial fracture depends on the presence but not the healing status of an ulnar styloid fracture.

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