
This research examines the extent to which the Algerian secondary education textbook represents the ideals of global citizenship education. It targets the textbook coverage of GCE themes, and if the tasks’ objectives tackled global citizenship competency respectively. The present study is built on content analysis in which second-year English language textbooks are scanned. The study employs a combination of Sharma’s framework for value-creating global citizenship education and UNESCO’s (2015) framework. It also relies on the PISA framework for the evaluation of global competency. The findings indicate that this textbook sufficiently covers the themes of global citizenship education. However, it requires additions concerning updated trends to face climate change. The textbook activities focus on fostering the four dimensions of global citizenship education competency, with a particular emphasis on productive skills in which the pupils can have their approach to current global issues. Keywords: Algerian Textbook; EFL; Global citizenship; Global competency; Secondary education.

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