
$ \newcommand{\nba}{\text{nba}} \newcommand{\np}{\textsf{NP}} $ While the maximum single-sink unsplittable and confluent flow problems have been studied extensively, algorithmic work has been primarily restricted to the case where one imposes the no-bottleneck assumption $(\nba)$ (that the maximum demand $d_{\max}$ is at most the minimum capacity $u_{\min}$). For instance, under the $\nba$ there is a factor-$4.43$ approximation algorithm due to Dinitz et al. (1999) for the unsplittable flow problem. Under the even stronger assumption of uniform capacities, there is a factor-$3$ approximation algorithm due to Chen et al. (2007) for the confluent flow problem. We show, however, that unlike the unsplittable flow problem, a constant-factor approximation algorithm cannot be obtained for the single-sink confluent flow problem even with the no-bottleneck assumption. Specifically, we prove that it is $\np$-hard to approximate single-sink confluent flow to within $O(\log^{1-\epsilon}(n))$, for any $\epsilon> 0$. The remainder of our results focus upon the setting without the no-bottleneck assumption. Using exponential-size demands, Azar and Regev prove a $\Omega(m^{1-\epsilon})$ inapproximability result for maximum cardinality single-sink unsplittable flow in directed graphs. We prove that this lower bound applies to undirected graphs, including planar networks (and for confluent flow). This is the first super-constant hardness known for undirected single-sink unsplittable flow. Furthermore, we show $\Omega(m^{1/2-\epsilon})$-hardness even if all demands and capacities lie within an arbitrarily small range $[1,1+\Delta]$, for $\Delta > 0$. This result is sharp in that if $\Delta=0$, then it becomes a single-sink maximum edge-disjoint paths problem which can be solved exactly via a maximum flow algorithm. This motivates us to study maximum priority flows for which we show the same inapproximability bound.


  • In this paper we improve known lower bounds on the approximability of the maximization versions of the single-sink unsplittable flow, single-sink priority flow and single-sink confluent flow problems

  • The remainder of our results focus upon the setting without the no-bottleneck assumption

  • The unsplittable flow problem has been extensively studied since its introduction by Cosares and Saniee [16] and Kleinberg [23]

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In this paper we improve known lower bounds (and upper bounds) on the approximability of the maximization versions of the single-sink unsplittable flow, single-sink priority flow and single-sink confluent flow problems. There are a collection of demands that have to be routed to a unique destination sink node t. Routers are capacitated and, nodes in the confluent flow problem are assumed to have capacities but not edges. In the unsplittable flow problem it is the edges that are assumed to be capacitated We follow these conventions in this paper. That is, the total flow carried by the routed demands. These objectives can be viewed as special cases of the profit-maximisation flow problem. The cardinality model corresponds to the unit-profit case, wi = 1 for every demand i; the throughput model is the case πi = di. The lower bounds we will present apply to the more general profit-maximisation problem

Previous work
Our results
Overview of paper
The Two-Disjoint Paths problem
A half-grid graph GN
The instance G
Priority flows and congestion
An updated half-grid graph
Lower bounds for arbitrary demands
Unsplittable flow with arbitrary demands
Priority flow with arbitrary demands
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