
The in vivo turnover rates of liver microsomal epoxide hydrolase and both the heme and apoprotein moieties of cytochromes P-450a, P-450b + P-450e, and P-450c have been determined by following the decay in specific radioactivity from 2 to 96 h after simultaneous injections of NaH 14CO 3 and 3H-labeled δ-aminolevulinic acid to Aroclor 1254-treated rats. Total liver microsomal protein was characterized by an apparent biphasic exponential decay in specific radioactivity, with half-lives of 5–9 and 82 h for the fast- and slow-phase components, respectively. Most (~90%) of the rapidly turning over microsomal protein fraction was immunologically distinct from membrane-associated serum protein, and thus appeared to represent integral membrane proteins. The existence of two distinct populations of cytochrome P-450a was suggested by the apparent biphasic turnover of both the heme and apoprotein moieties of the holoenzyme. The half-lives of the apoprotein were estimated to be 12 and 52 h for the fast- and slow-phase components, respectively, and 7 and 34 h for the heme moiety. The turnover of cytochromes P-450b + P-450e was identical to that of cytochrome P-450c, with half-lives of 37 and 28 h for the apoprotein and heme moieties, respectively. In all cases, the shorter half-lives of the heme component compared to the protein component were statistically significant. In contrast to the cytochrome P-450 isozymes, epoxide hydrolase ( t 1 2 = 132 h ) turned over slower than the “average” microsomal protein ( t 1 2 = 82 h ). The differential rates of degradation of these major integral membrane proteins during both the rapid and slow phases of total microsomal protein turnover argue against the concepts of unit membrane degradation and unidirectional membrane flow of liver endoplasmic reticulum.

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