
Introduction: Mental disorder remains a stigma in society, even until now. A family who have a member with mental disorder, will experience continues objective and subjective burden, experience serious stress for a lifetime, which may cause ineffective coping.Method: Design used in this study was experimental (pre post test control group design). The population was every family of patient with mental disorder in Menur Mental Hospital along the year of 2010, has been taking care there twice, in minimum, lived in Surabaya. The samples were chosen by allocation simple random. Samples were 13 persons in each treatment and control group. The intervention was given in 60–120 minute in 8 times meeting with average interval about 1 week. Data analysis was done using paired t-test and independent t-test.Result: Results in this study showed that there was significant change in total of family coping (p = 0.040), maintaining family integration, cooperation and an optimistic definition of the stuation (p = 0.009), maintaining social support, self esteem, and psychological stability (p = 0.230), understanding the medical situations through communication with other parents and concultation with medical staff (p = 0.025).Discussion: The provision of family therapy with spiritual approach (DOA) can increase family coping in taking care of patient with mental disorder.


  • Mental disorder remains a stigma in society, even until now

  • Result: Results in this study showed that there was significant change in total of family coping (p = 0.040), maintaining family integration, cooperation and an optimistic definition of the stuation (p = 0.009), maintaining social support, self esteem, and psychological stability (p = 0.230), understanding the medical situations through communication with other parents and concultation with medical staff (p = 0.025)

  • Prostate Cancer: A Grounded Theory Stud, Journal of Holistic Nursing

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Penelitian ini dirancang dengan penelitian eksperimental (pre-post test control group design) dengan tujuan untuk membuktikan pengaruh pemberian terapi keluarga dengan pendekatan spiritual direction, obedience, acceptance (DOA) terhadap peningkatan koping keluarga dalam merawat pasien gangguan jiwa. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh keluarga pasien yang salah satu anggota keluarganya dirawat di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Menur Surabaya pada tahun 2010. Variabel independen dalam penelitian ini adalah terapi keluarga dengan pendekatan spiritual direction, obedience, dan acceptance. Intervensi keperawatan dilakukan di rumah keluarga pasien, dengan memberikan terapi keluarga dengan pendekatan spiritual DOA, terdiri dari fase direction, obedience, dan acceptance sesuai panduan dalam satuan acara kegiatan (SAK) yang telah direncanakan. Direction untuk mengembangkan kepercayaan kesehatan (health belief ) keluarga terhadap gangguan jiwa, obedience untuk mengembangkan keyakinan keluarga bahwa pasien dapat dilatih hidup lebih mandiri sesuai kemampuan, sehingga keluarga dapat mengembangkan pola interaksi antar anggota keluarga dan memberikan dukungan keluarga dengan baik.

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