
The conventional Brooke ileostomy is performed far more frequently than the Kock continent ileostomy. To determine the relative satisfaction with these operations, patients whose Brooke ileostomy had been converted to a Kock pouch were questioned about changes in their life-styles. Data were obtained from 80 patients who had worn an external appliance from 4 months to 33 years before the change-over to a Kock pouch. Improvement was reported in social activities (96.2%), athletic endeavors (87.5%), and sexual relations (76.2%). Patients spent less time caring for the stoma (92.5%) and wore street and beach attire with greater ease (97.5%). An average reduction of 75% was noted in ileostomy maintenance costs. The overall patient satisfaction with the Kock pouch was 98.7% despite an appreciable incidence of pouchitis and revisional operations. In our experience, the readier acceptance by patients of a continent internal reservoir over an external fecal-filled appliance has led to the performance of proctocolectomies for ulcerative colitis at an earlier stage of the disease.

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