
DR. DEUTSCH'S fascinating case study concerns itself with a variant of psychopathic personality known as the impostor. Her lengthy record of therapeutic contact with such an individual gives us an unusual longitudinal study of this disorder. Indeed, analysis of such types usually is terminated at the point of the first reality confrontation. The emphasis upon the role of ego identity may be compared with Novey's contribution in this volume. Moreover, the ultimate character type may be contrasted with Michael's construct of character disorder, also included among these readings. Dr. Deutsch's skill in depicting this peculiar flavor of human personality (she was the first to define the as-tf individual) is apparent throughout the article. The odd nature of the tie to reality in this disturbance is thoroughly examined. The concatenation of psychic forces involved in both extreme narcissism and its opposite, i.e., the need for others, makes for an orientation toward reality, but reality is viewed as a stage for the performer, with humanity as the admiring audience. The truly parasitic nature of the individual thus lies exposed; there is no real object libido since all ties to the outer world are intended only to extract gifts from it. These persons are seen as forever in pursuit of an identity which does justice to their narcissistic concept of themselves. The new identity serves, at the same time, as a denial of what must lie underneath —a passive, frightened, essentially hollow character structure. The pretending and posturing may be conceived of as a defense against anxiety and guilt which breaks down only when the individual is confronted with his own true identity. Dr. Deutsch speaks of this variation of ego structure as the nonego ego, an agency which seeks to force an unrealistic ego-ideal upon the outer world through identification with someone else's ego. The impostor usually appears to have some talent, on occasion unusual intellect, but he can satisfy his grandiose fantasies only through acting out.—EDITOR

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