
Village Resilience Assessment is a process of assessing resilience that is carried out by the community independently to determine the level of resilience. This assessment framework adopts village and urban village disaster resilience standards in SNI 8357:2017 and adapts the DROP (Disaster Resilience of Place) model. The methodology in this study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive analysis approach. Assessment of village disaster resilience produces several outputs, such as Village Resilience Index Values, Village Resilience Levels, and recommendations for action to increase village capacity. The Village Resilience Index value consists of three levels, namely Tangguh Utama <83.33, Tangguh Madya 58.3 – 83.33, and Tangguh Pratama <58.3. The results show that the Village resilience assessment is important because the Village Resilience Assessment is a tool to measure the level of village resilience in a simple way so that it will make it easier for village communities to carry out action plans to reduce vulnerability and increase capacity. disaster resilience village which aims to map the conditions and initial description of the level of risk, level of vulnerability and level of village capacity in dealing with disaster threats.

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