
The adaptability of grain varieties' productivity is formed in the process of their development under the influence of the environmental conditions of the breeding center, the properties of the initial material and component characteristics due to which the identification of the varieties is carried out. The International Program “Kazakh-Siberian Wheat Improvement for Spring Durum Wheat” (IP KaSibWI SDW) has used the genotypes of seven institutions from Russia and Kazakhstan and their geographic locations as environmental areas. The study of two sets of varieties (25 varieties in 2015-2016 and 26 varieties in 2018) in the KaSib system made it possible to distribute breeding centers according to their “specialization” in the formation of adaptive properties (Malchikov et al., 2018). In particular, there has been found that the staff of the Samara Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Samara Research Institute of Agriculture (hereinafter the Samara Research Institute of Agriculture) developed the varieties of wide adaptation (area). Consequently, the traits closely correlating with the productivity on the plots of the Samara ARI may be associated with properties that determine the wide adaptation of varieties. The purpose of the research was to determine the traits correlating with varietal variability of productivity of the KaSib nurseries from Russia and Kazakhstan on the experimental plots of the Samara Research Institute of Agriculture. Field trials were carried out for three years (2015, 2016, 2018); the accounting area of the plots was 10.0 m2, with threefold repetition, with random plot placement; the sheaves for laboratory analysis were taken from each repetition (sampling area of 0.63 m2). Using the methods of correlation and path analysis, there has been established a significant correlation between variation of yield and such traits as economic coefficient (К.хозР), nature weight (H), 1000 grain weight (M1000), sterility of heads in the cenosis (Ст), number of grains per spikelet (ЧЗКК) and number of days before tillering (КДК).



  • There has been found that the staff of the Samara Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Samara Research Institute of Agriculture developed the varieties of wide adaptation

  • The traits closely correlating with the productivity on the plots of the Samara ARI may be associated with properties that determine the wide adaptation of varieties

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Гидротермический коэффициент по периодам вегетации

Поражение патогенами всходы – кущение кущение – трубк. В целом формирование урожайности во все годы проходило при значительном давлении стрессовых факторов среды. Наиболее сильное их влияние наблюдалось в 2016 и 2018 гг. Существенными лимитирующими факторам среды были эпифитотии листовых пятнистостей (Fusarium spp.), мучнистой росы (Blumeria graminis) и стеблевой ржавчины (Puccinia graminis). Наиболее благоприятным по гидротермическому режиму с минимальной вредоносностью патогенов был 2015 г. Устойчивость к патогенам оценивали по рекомендованным методикам (Михайлова и др., 2007). Корреляционный и путевой анализы выполнены на основе опубликованных рекомендаций (Паламарчук и др., 2019). Среди 41 изученного сорта по продуктивности выделены 15 генотипов, в том числе 12 генотипов представляли Самарский НИИСХ, 2 – НИИСХ ЮгоВостока и 1 – Сибирский АНЦ 2. Урожайность наиболее продуктивных сортов в сравнении со стандартами, Самарский НИИСХ (2015, 2016, 2018 гг.).

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