
Objectives: objective of the study is to demonstrate the influence of the therapeutic relationship in diagnostic and therapeutic acceptance in patients with psychosomatic disorders, while identifying the obstacles that interfere between the patient and the physician, preventing the achievement of this goal. Material and Method: We included 200 participants, 100 participants without psychosomatic damage (control batch) and 100 participants with psychosomatic disorders. design of the study, carried out between 2008 and 2016, is part of the prospective and mixed studies; Quantitative and qualitative methods have been used concurrently and combined in the interpretation phase. We used three types of questionnaires (GPAQ, The attitude to sickness scale, Factors influencing patient satisfaction in relation to the doctor). In the analysis of each of the branches, I structured syndromes with the criteria for the diagnosis of psychosomatic disorders DCPR (Diagnostic Criteria for Psychosomatic Research). study complied with the principles of human studies. Results: Applying the Cochran WG formula showed the following results for a 15% incidence of the phenomenon: p= 0,15; t=1,96; Δ = 20,05 analysis shows that the selected sample is representative of the proposed objective, namely: determining the validity of the hypothesis that the therapeutic alliance influences the diagnostic and therapeutic acceptance in patients with psychosomatic disorders. correlation between the results obtained on the qualitative and the qualitative branch of the study confirms the working hypothesis namely: the therapeutic relationship influences the diagnostic and therapeutic acceptance in the patients with psychosomatic condition. An element of originality refers to the possibility of studying to perform affective prognosis, providing a way to anticipate respondents' choices using forecast charts. These offer the possibility to anticipate certain decisions that impact on the health of individuals in the future. Applicability in Clinical Practice: Modeling the correlation between the therapeutic relationship, somatization and the diagnostic acceptance that materialized in establishing the dependence between the human capital materialized in the therapeutic relationship, and the effectiveness of the medical act, completed by diagnostic and therapeutic acceptance (the element of difficulty in this category of patients). Conclusion: optimization of the therapeutic relationship (quantified by the patient's satisfaction index) increases the acceptance of diagnosis and therapy in psychosomatic patients.

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