
Periodontal disease is considered to increase in prevalence around adolescence, owing to pubertal hormonal changes, early presentation in at-risk individuals and the challenges in maintaining patient motivation at this age. Adolescence provides the ideal stage of dental development for orthodontic assessment. Active periodontal disease can increase tooth mobility during orthodontic treatment. Therefore, it is essential that children and adolescents have appropriate and timely periodontal screening before commencing orthodontic treatment. The British Society of Periodontology and the British Society of Paediatric Dentistry recommend a modified Basic Periodontal Examination (BPE) assessing index teeth for paediatric patients.This paper will summarise the recommended paediatric periodontal assessment and review a case which highlights the need for routine periodontal examination of orthodontic patients, by both general dental practitioners and orthodontists, to identify patients at risk for periodontal disease. The modified BPE for this younger cohort is simple and allows for rapid screening of periodontal disease. Where it is needed, further detailed examination and treatment can then be initiated to prevent exacerbation of an existing problem.

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