
Stickleback fishes are renowned for the complexity of their nuptial colour signal. In this paper I show that the nuptial signal is in fact multimodal: male-based olfactory cues also transmit information to receptive females. Both female three-spined and brook sticklebacks recognized the scent from each other’s males, but discriminated in favour of their own males when asked to choose between conspecific and heterospecific odours. Although females were not attracted to scent from the more distantly related guppy, Poecilia reticulata, changes in their baseline behaviours indicated that they perceived its presence. Olfactory cues act as long distance messages, allowing a female to detect the ‘I am here’ message from the male before she can actually see him. Studies of interactions between temporally displaced signals indicate that the first cue (in this case chemical) functions to alert the receiver to the presence of the second cue (visual), increasing the probability of its detection and recognition. So, although olfactory cues do not appear to be as species-specific as visual cues, their function as alerting stimuli may not require such fine-tuning. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 80, 555‐572. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: complex signals ‐ Culaea inconstans ‐ Gasterosteus aculeatus ‐ mate choice.

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