
Human Merkel cells (MCs) were first described by Friedrich S. Merkel in 1875 and named "Tastzellen" (touch cells). Merkel cells are mainly located in the basal layer of the epidermis and are concentrated in touch-sensitive areas. Their density varies among different anatomical sites. Increased concentration was observed in the palms of hands with a predominance in the finger pads and also in the soles and toes. They can be classified according to the function as mechanoreceptive, endocrine, and chemo-sensitive cells. In the development of primary ridges which establish the future fingerprint patterns is assumed that Merkel cells have a significant importance in this process. At about the 7th week EGA, they first time appear in the volar skin and start to occupy the place of future primary ridges at 10 weeks EGA. It will be interesting to study their presence or absence in individuals suffering with abnormal dermatoglyphics and also to study whether the skin diseases associated with altered dermatoglyphics display some deviation regarding the distribution and density of MCs in primary ridges (Fig. 2, Ref. 40). Text in PDF www.elis.sk Keywords: Merkel cells, development, primary ridges, fingerprints, CK-20.

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