
The new Coronavirus spread in the world, forming a global pandemic, which led to curfews and staying in homes for long periods, so the research problem appeared due to the imposition of a new lifestyle. So, the study aimed to determine the extent to which the interior design of Jordanian houses met the needs of the residents in exceptional circumstances due to the impact of the Corona pandemic. The methodology followed is the descriptive analytical approach, and the questionnaire tool was used to collect data and information. Where the sample size should not be less than 384 respondents, and the questionnaire was distributed electronically, and as a result of the high turnout, the sample size increased to reach 457 respondents. The study hypotheses were tested and its statistical data was analyzed. The most important results of the study concluded that there are statistically significant differences in the respondents' answers about their statements. The research questions were answered, and many results of the research emerged, the most prominent of which was the residents’ knowledge of their home needs in exceptional circumstances, their desire to make some household changes, as well as the importance of changing the uses of some home spaces, and preparing suitable places in the home to do work, study or hospitalization. As well as the importance of preparing places for home quarantine for the injured and those in contact.

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