
Individual workers of the honeybee (Apis mellifera), trained to collect food from a patch of artificial flowers, were used to test the following hypotheses about the mechanism leading to a decrease in flight directionality when moving from one flower to the next. Directionality decreases with (1) an increasing amount of energy taken from a flower, (2) an increasing amount of time spent on a flower, or (3) an increasing profitability of the flower, i.e. rate of nectar uptake. The bees were tested singly on an arrangement with equidistant flowers. They could move from a decision point forward, right, left, or backwards to the next flower. The rewards at the decision point were altered. When rewards at this point were compared that offered the same quality of “nectar” (50% sugar solution), the time hypothesis (2) was consistent with the observed behaviour of the bees. When conditions were compared that involved two different reward qualities (50% and 25% sugar solation), none of the original hypotheses could entirely account for the results. It is suggested that a slight modification of the time hypothesis would be consistent with the observations: The bees might possibly “forget” their arrival direction on the flower with increasing time, but forgetting the direction of the last flower visited is intensified with more concentrated rewards.

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