
The event marketing approach today is an independent industry. Many leading com-paniesusethistypeofmarketing.Buttheeventmarketingapproachtoeducationispanies use this type of marketing. But the event marketing approach to education is acomparativeinnovation.Authorsmonitoreduniversitiesformarketingapproach-a comparative innovation. Authors monitored universities for marketing approach-estocapturethetargetmarket.Authorsreceivedinformationabouttheworkloades to capture the target market. Authors received information about the workload ofuniversitiesandtheirstatusfromofficialwebsites.Theinformationabouttheof universities and their status from offi cial websites. The information about the marketingactivitiesintheuniversitieswecollectedonthebasisoforalinterviewsmarketing activities in the universities we collected on the basis of oral interviews withtheadministrationandstudentsandfillinginquestionnaires.InmodernGeor-with the administration and students and fi lling in questionnaires. In modern Geor-gia,theEducationsectorinGeorgiaisoneofthewell-developedstructures,whichgia, the Education sector in Georgia is one of the well-developed structures, which islogicallyintertwinedwiththebusinesssector.Thereare86Universitiesintheis logically intertwined with the business sector. There are 86 Universities in the territoryofGeorgiasomeofthemareLEPL,andtheotherpartsareLTDandterritory of Georgia some of them are LEPL, and the other parts are LTD and NNLE.Itturnedoutthatallmetropolitanuniversities,especiallytheuniversitiesofNNLE. It turned out that all metropolitan universities, especially the universities of theLTDandNNLEformation,resorttoactivemarketingactivities.Regionaluni-the LTD and NNLE formation, resort to active marketing activities. Regional uni-versitiesspendlessmoneyandtimeontheseevents.Thisisreflectedintheprestigeversities spend less money and time on these events. This is refl ected in the prestige oftheuniversities.ItmustbesaidthatthoseuniversitiesinGeorgia,wheretheeventof the universities. It must be said that those universities in Georgia, where the event marketingplanispartoftheorganization’sannualdevelopmentworkplan,canmarketing plan is part of the organization’s annual development work plan, can makegreatstridesintermsofinvolvingapplicants,aswellasinattractingstudentsmake great strides in terms of involving applicants, as well as in attracting students through mobility from other universities in the country. through mobility from other universities in the country.

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