
Buds and staminate catkins of alder (Alnus spp) form an important winter food for hazel grouse Bonasa bonasia in the Fennoscandian boreal forest Alder was found to be highly preferred over other deciduous trees, particularly alders ≥ 10 m tall and ≤15 m from spruce forest Winter territories were probably feeding territories, as size was correlated negatively with alder density and almost significantly correlated negatively with competitor density All winter territories were found to contain ample winter food resources for hazel grouse However, the distribution of territories was associated significantly with the distribution of alders at two levels of scale, the territory level and the landscape level Moreover, relationships between the abundance of alders and hazel grouse were found at two additional levels of scale the local patch level and the biogeographic region level This agreement of the results from four levels of scale strongly suggested that the abundance and distribution of alder was a major factor limiting hazel grouse winter territories within dense Norway spruce Picea abies forests in the boreal zone of Fennoscandia Alder was relatively uncommon and exhibited a clumped dispersion pattern at the local and landscape scales, being associated with wet and rich soils The close relationship to alder implies that hazel grouse winter habitats, even in natural forests, also should be distributed patchily Hazel grouse may select the catkins and buds of alder because it is a very nutntous food source, and small species, such as the hazel grouse, require more nutritious food than larger species

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