
Welcome to the “Nuclear Renaissance”... The global nuclear renaissance and concerns over climate change were addressed by the keynote speakers at the 20th anniversary of POWER-GEN International, December 2, 2008. J.M. Bernhardt, Jr., chairman, president and CEO of Shaw Group, opened his presentation by acknowledging that the nuclear renaissance is not something that might happen; it is happening now. He stated that “When greenhouse gasses are in the mix, he believed nuclear is where we need to go.” Additionally, Jacques Besnainou, president and CEO of Areva, Inc supported Bernhardt with the call for more investment in nuclear power. He stated that “nuclear power is not THE solution, but there is no solution without nuclear power. What Will it Take to Make the Global Nuclear Renaissance a Success?Must have the need... The Department of Energy (DOE) indicates U.S. energy consumption is expected to grow 1.5 percent a year over the next two decades, and should reach an increased 45% baseload need by 2030. Additionally, the gap between total worldwide energy production and demand will double over the next 15–20 years. Must have the will... Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), and World Nuclear Association indicate that globally, 36 plants are currently under construction, 93 plants are on order or planned in 18 countries (30 in U.S.), and 219 projects are under consideration in 27 countries. Additionally, they indicate that the combination of low production costs, high reliability, safe operation and clean air benefits positions nuclear energy favorably to meet our baseload electricity needs today and for future expansion. Must have the commitment... Each of us who are members of the global nuclear community must have our core values embedded in a solid quality foundation. We exercise our commitment to quality daily by the application of our signature on documents, instructions, and drawings.

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