
-Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945 is the highest law in Indonesia. The Constitution has been amended four times. One of the consequences is fundamental is Highest Assembly as the state institutions become equal with other institutions. One consequence is a change in authority. After a change of this basic law, then the Assembly no longer has the authority to set Broad guidelines of state policy (GBHN). Study of the problem, namely (1) whether the background of the abolition of authority of MPR in setting Broad guidelines of state policy (GBHN)?, and (2) What are the implic ations of the change in authority MPR legal product.Methods to address issues to do with normative juridical research through library with approaches and techniques juridical and historical analysis. The research concludes that the elimination of the authority of the Assembly in setting the guidelines have a good background of the philosophical, juridical, theoretical, or sociological order levels the state institutions. Implications of changes in the authority of the Assembly to the legal product MPR that the existing products before the amendment to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945 as referred to Art. 2 and Art. 4 MPR Decree No. I / MPR / 2003 are still valid. Medium legal product MPR Negara Republik Indonesia post-amendment to the Constitution of 1945 is the establishment of an administrative nature (beschikking).

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