
Marriage is a holy agreement that is strong and sturdy to live together legally between a man and a woman to build an eternal and happy family. However, in the current conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Religion issued Circular Number: P-001/DJ.III/Hk.007/07/2021 which contains Technical Instructions for Marriage Services at KUA Sub-Districts during the Emergency PPKM period so that many prospective brides who postponed or annulled his marriage. This is similar to the case that occurred in the KUA area of the City of Probolinggo. As a result of this delay, many sirri marriages have occurred. Various instructions and regulations have been violated by some people, which even contradict the provisions of Law Number 1 of 1974 and the Compilation of Islamic Law.The focus of the problems studied are: 1) How is the marriage service technical at KUA in Probolinggo City during the Maqashid Syariah Perspective PPKM Period? 2) How is the Implementation of Maqashid Syariah in Technical Marriage Services at KUA in Probolinggo City during the PPKM period? The aims of this research are 1) to describe how technical marriage services are at KUA in Probolinggo City during the Maqashid Syariah Perspective PPKM Period? 2) To describe the implementation of Maqashid Syariah in technical marriage services at KUAs throughout the city of Probolinggo during PPKM. This research is a field research. Using a sociological approach. Researchers used two sources of data, namely primary data derived from interviews on the object under study. While secondary data is obtaining data indirectly, namely through other people or through documentation.The results of this study are 1) Marriage Services during the PPKM period can be said to be in accordance with Circular Number: P-001/DJ.III/Hk.007/07/2021 concerning Technical Instructions for Marriage Services at KUA Subdistricts during the PPKM Emergency period but lack of related socialization A circular letter regarding the provisions for marriage during the PPKM period was issued by the Ministry of Religion so that it became one of the factors for non-compliance with the law and public awareness about the importance of safety for themselves and their surroundings. 2) Marriage services at KUA during the PPKM period are in harmony with Maqashid Syariah which provides many benefits for the community, especially the benefits contained in Circular Letter Number: P-001/DJ.III/Hk.007/07/2021 concerning Marriage Services at KUA for PPKM. Of course, in the effort to prevent Covid-19, it is a part of caring for the soul (Hifdz an-nafs).

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