The practices formed for the development of company personnel in the implementation of corporate social responsibility require scientific generalization. The purpose of the study is to quantify the implementation of internal corporate responsibility as innovative human resources management. In the paper, we use such methods as: rating based on factors grouped in three areas (social responsibility to employees, social responsibility to the surrounding community, and environmental responsibility); the analysis of the dynamics using growth rate indicators calculated in a chain and basic way. The scientific novelty of the study is determined by the obtained results. In the study period, the growth of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the entrepreneurial structure of the Tatneft Company was established. This indicates that the Tatneft strives to fulfill its obligations to society and maintain the quality of corporate strategies in the field of environmental safety, as well as responsible business. An increase in the CSR rating also indicates that the Tatneft is actively strengthening the image of a socially responsible company, fulfilling social obligations to its own employees, thereby realizing internal corporate responsibility as innovative human resources management. The key limiting factors in the implementation of internal CSR as innovative management of human resources were identified. Growth points, which development should be aimed at improving CSR (corporate volunteering, etc.), were also identified.
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