
The need to provide district nursing care for patients with simple and complex chronic diseases requires planning and investment in the training of nurses. To describe the model of management of simple chronic care with the implementation of the Family Nursing in the Districts of the Azienda ULSS 3 Serenissima. After the analysis of the epidemiological and socio-demographic data of the resident population, and the stratification in classes homogeneous for resource use, according to the Adjusted Clinical Group model, the candidates for the family nurse's position were trained with an ad hoc course. The preferred target for the experimental implementation of Family Nursing care was the elderly population with chronic diseases in District 1, not followed by other health services. At the end of 2022 12 Family Nurses candidates were identified. After a training course, they gradually took over patients with simple chronic conditions, starting with the District 1 with the highest prevalence. In the year 2022, 614 new patients started to be cared for by Family Nurses, in 2023 approximately 900 patients are being followed and monitored by the Family Nurse.

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