
Even though ‘Exercise is Medicine’ has been emphasized as a crucial element of healthy lifestyle, limited evidence has been provided for its effect in treating patient with acute and life-threatening disease, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. After the eruption of COVID-19 at the beginning of 2020, shelter hospitals were established in Wuhan. Special treatments were employed to stop the unprecedented disease and physical exercise was also recognized highly by doctors in the shelter hospitals for its effectiveness in promoting the rehabilitation of patients. PURPOSE: The study aims at unveiling the rationale of including physical exercise as vital part of the rehabilitation plan of patients suffering COVID-19, examining its effectiveness, i.e., what works and how it works, and influence to others through investigating the real-life experience of doctor, nurses in the shelter hospitals. It is also sought to construct a theoretical roadmap for the implementation and role of ‘Exercise is Medicine’ health care system in the treatment of acute and and life-threatening disease through the experience learnt from the case of shelter hospitals in Wuhan. RESEARCH METHOD: Two types of qualitative data are collected for the study. 10 interviews were conducted with two doctors and five nurses who worked in the shelter hospitals and two local residents and one front-line journalist, who were all in the city in the pandemic circumstance. In addition, reports concerning shelter hospital and the treatment in specific, and the pandemic in general, by Chinese media were also collected in order to provide background information of the pandemic. RESULT: As the result of the analysis of qualitative data, Figure 1 illustrates the roadmap and operational mechanism of the implementation of ‘Exercise is Medicine’ health care system in shelter hospitals in Wuhan. And physical exercise works effectively as a supplementary means of medical treatment in promoting the well-being of patients, who are in the late stage of their treatment. Along with its positive impact in promoting cardiopulmonary function of patients, it also shows significant benefits for patients in dealing with psychological issues, for instance, as an effective means of releasing mental pressure and regaining confidence.

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