
The objective of this research is to prove whether Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach can improve the students’ ability in writing procedure text or not. This research applies pre-experimental research design by using one-group pre-test post-testdesign. The population of this research is thetenth grade students of SMAN 1 Sindue Tombusabora , and the sample is XB consisting of 23 students selected by using purposive sampling technique. Then, the researcher use s writing test as an instrument to collect the data . The test is divided into two parts: pretest and posttest. The pretest was used to measure the students’ ability in writing a paragraph of procedure text before treatment, and posttest was used to measure the students’ ability after the treatment. The data were analyzed statistically in order to know the significant difference of the students’ achievement in pretest and posttest. The result of data analysis shows that the mean score is increased significantly from 62 in pretest and 77.3 in posttest. Moreover, by applying 0.05 level of significance and the degree of freedom (df) is 22 (df = 23– 1=22), the researcher found that the value of t-counted is greater than the value of t-table (4.3 4 > 2.07 4 ) . It means that thehypothesis is accepted. It implies that the implementation of Contextual Teaching and Learning approach is affective to improve the ability oftenth grade students of SMAN 1 Sindue Tombusabora in writing procedure text. Keywords: Contextual Teaching and Learning, Writing ability, Procedure text

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