
A key component of Human Resources Management (HRM) workforce planning at the present stage involves ensuring that employees with the right skills and competencies match the organizational job description. The modern aviation industry has experienced a radical shift in global competition as a diversified network of low-cost and traditional carriers expands the reach, scope, and frequency of traditional passenger-carrying services. The demand for qualified, highly skilled professionals in flight operations and training is rapidly outpacing supply, pressuring airline recruiters to develop innovative strategies for attracting and communicating with job seekers.The study aims to introduce a methodology for implementing the Competency-Based Training and Assessment (CBTA) framework in aviation manpower planning. Research objectives: a theoretical study of the CBTA framework, analysis of the current state of manpower planning, identification of the pilot performance gaps and the role of quality training, and a proposal for implementing the CBTA framework in aviation manpower planning. The authors analyzed the controlling factors and trends in developing the global CBTA framework in the aviation industry.The features of implementing the CBTA framework were considered in view of pandemic consequences. The results of the consequent analysis indicated that during ab initio training, aviation programs should encourage learning beyond the minimum knowledge requirements, providing avenues for continued learning, and focusing on quality rather than quantity (building hours). Based on the research, many findings have been drawn, concluding that human factors demand is a top priority in the aviation industry affected by the organizational culture, resilience to technological changes, and legislation hiring restrictions.The following analysis further proposes a straightforward synthesis of the Lean Six Sigma (L6σ) strategy and implementation of the CBTA framework instead of the traditional approach in many countries, which limits recruitment and selection options, causing unnecessary organizational pressure. Further recommendations include implementing validated CBTA – EBT / psychological assessments - elements during the recruitment process to streamline and support airlines in becoming an employer of choice in the sector.

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