
Lebanon was among the first Arab countries to grant women suffrage rights in 1953. Its Constitution clearly stipulates that all its citizens have equal rights (Article 7)1 and enjoy equal opportunities in all spheres of life (Article 12). 2 Yet after half a century of alleged political rights, it is surprising to find that female representation in the Lebanese parliament is still at a minimum. In the 2005 legislative elections, only six women out of the 128 members made it to parliament (4.7 percent), thus ranking Lebanon 125th (out of 138) on the IPU list.3 For a country that prides itself on being among the pioneer Middle Eastern countries in the high proportion of women college graduates the above grading is quite ‘degrading.’ The late women's rights activist, Laure Moghaizel,4 once exclaimed that all Lebanese women who enter parliament do so wearing black since they always run for a seat vacated by a deceased father or spouse.

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