
to the securing of equal rights for women under the constitutional scheme and has campaigned for the past 16 years on women's right to free speech and their right against censorship by state and private actors. It has provided counselling and legal aid to women victims of violence; provided training to organisations in rural areas in Andhra on designing and implementing programmes that are gender sensitive; supported networks of persons with disabilities in the state; organised women writers, published anthologies of creative writing by women, dalit and Muslim writers, and has initiated campaigns on secularism and diversity. Women's World (India) is part of a worldwide network of women writers that works to counter censorship and protects the right to free speech. Formally launched in 2003 it has more than 200 members and was one of the first to protest against the smear campaign against actor Khushboo in Tamil Nadu. It also protested against the ban by the West Bengal government on Taslima Nasreen's autobiography and offered her protection and support after the initial fatwa was taken up by Women's World (International). Writers likeNabaneeta Dev Sen, Jeelani Bano, Mridula Garg, Rukmini Bhaya Nair, Abburi Chaya Devi, Bama are members of the network.

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