
The speed of information has never been so high and in the last 20 years, we have seen the digital advancement with the internet evolving at a frightening speed when compared to the evolution of books. The benefits achieved in various areas such as health, safety and especially in education are undeniable, such as what was seen in the COVID-19 pandemic with an important and significant renewal. However, the excessive use of virtual social networks has generated dependence, affected social relationships and impacted the mental health of children and the elderly. In the light of these observations, several authors question the impacts of excessive use of virtual social networks on the mental health of their users. Objective: The objective of this article was to relate the impacts of excessive use of social networks on the mental health of its users. Methodology: The methodology of this article was a qualitative literature review, with a selection of articles, monographs, books, published in a time period from 2011 to 2023. Conclusion: It is concluded in this study that the relationship between excessive uses of virtual social networks results in technological dependence, distancing from social life, increased levels of anxiety, depression and cyber bullying. Affecting the mental health of users, regardless of their age groups, and multidisciplinary psychological support seems to be the only strategy to correct excesses in the use of networks.

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