
Organic matter dynamics and nutrient availability in saline alkaline soil of the former lake Texcoco will determine the success of a planned reforestation program. Uniformly labelled 14C-maize (MAI-treatment) and glucose (GLU-treatment) with or without 200 mg NH 4 + − N kg −1 soil (MAI-N treatment and GLU-N treatment, respectively) were added to soils with electrolytic conductivity (EC) 56 dS m −1 (soil A) and 12 dS m −1 (soil B) to investigate the importance of N availability on decomposition of organic material. Production of CO 2 and CO 2 14 and inorganic N dynamics were monitored. The amount of 14C-glucose mineralized increased 1.8-times in the soil A, but had no effect in the soil B when 200 mg NH 4 + − N kg −1 soil was added, while the amount of 14C-maize mineralized increased 1.7 and 1.3-times when 200 NH 4 + − N kg −1 soil was added in the soils A and B, respectively. Application of NH 4 + increased priming effect 3.7-times in the MAI-treatment of the soil A and 3.4-times in the GLU-treatment, while in the soil B the increase of priming effect was 4.1-times in the MAI-treatment and 3.7-times in the GLU-treatment. Of the 200 mg NH 4 + − N kg −1 added to both soils less than 10 mg NH 3–N kg −1 was volatilized within one day, while 22 and 44 mg NH 4 + − N kg −1 soil was fixed on the soil matrix in the soil A and the soil B, respectively. Therefore more than 100 mg NH 4 + −N kg −1 was immobilized into the microbial biomass within the first day. Concentration of nitrite ( NO 2 − ) increased sharply in all the treatments of soil A at the onset of the incubation followed by a decrease. A similar pattern was observed in the GLU-N and MAI-N treatments of the soil B, but not in the other treatments. A decrease in concentration of NO 3 − was observed in both soils followed by an increase in the MAI-N and GLU-N treatments of the soil B. It was found that application of NH 4 + had a stimulating effect on the decomposition of maize and glucose, and on the priming effect, while assimilatory reduction of NO 3 − resulted in an increase of NO 2 − in the soil A, and nitrification in the soil B.

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