
AbstractThe authors explain what separates “impact players” in workplaces from other individuals who, while smart and capable, are less impactful to organizational success. They talked to 170 leaders at Adobe, Google, LinkedIn, NASA, Salesforce, SAP, Splunk, Stanford Health, and Target. A major differentiator is how impact players approach problems and challenges, categorized in their words as: Messy Problems, Unclear Roles, Unforeseen Obstacles, Moving Targets, and Unrelenting Demands. The authors contend that “these challenges don’t typically amount to major crises, but they are all situations fraught with ambiguity and uncertainty, scenarios where people can easily feel out of control.” Impact Players tend to see these situations and take action through an Opportunity Lens, while others use a Threat Lens. The authors identify five practices (identified in depth in the article), which in their words are (1) Do the Job That’s Needed; (2) Step Up, then Step Back; (3) Finish Stronger; (4) Ask and Adjust; (5) Make Work Light. In order to wear opportunity goggles, four techniques are explained: (1) Recognize Ambiguous Situations; (2) Check Your Lens; (3) Reframe the Situation; (4) Replace with an Opportunity Lens. Recognize also that that “one’s impact level is not necessarily static throughout their career: growth is possible.”

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