
Since January 1,2010, companies in Algeria have been forced to use the new SCF (accounting and financial system), inspired in its majority of international accounting standards IAS/IFRS, issued by the international Accounting Standards Board (IASB)1. This mutation, which is expected as it is due more than ten years of reflection, should enable users of financial statements to better understand the financial situation of Algerian companies. With the development of the increasingly important information requirements of financial markets, it has become necessary to standardize international accounting standards so that companies can provide financial information the same level of financial information using the same methods of calculation. A new principle of component accounting is required for all corporations. It is to register separately for fixed asset items that are used differently by the company and then to establish its own depreciation schedule for each. The damping components is to absorb separately, each using a method and an appropriate depreciation rate, important components that is to say of an asset component that have different useful lives or that are consumed at different rates. This accounting method of depreciation by components will be developed in this article.

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