
This study aims to know the effect of the Wonder Share Quis Creator Application towards the Children’ Cognitive Ability of Aged 5-6 Years in B2.. This studywas experimental research, with the form of one-group pretest-posttest design. The study population was B1 and B2. The sample of the study included a B2 group consisting of 16 children. The study instruments used in the study were tests and documentation. The test in the form of a Wonder Share Quis Creator game that used a computer consists of 15 items that have been valid. Data analysis techniques using the normality test, and hypothesis testing using t-test. The results of calculation of hypothesis testing which showed that tcount (11.17) > ttable (2,131). Where the table was calculated with a 5% confidence level was 2,131. So, the results of testing the hypothesis were significant, then Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. So from the results of these test data it can be concluded that the Wonder Share Quis Creator Application Affects The Children’s Cognitive Abilities of Aged 5-6 old.

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