
Background: Obesity has links to numerous health problems. Having an accurate perception of one's own weight is an important aspect of maintaining an appropriate weight. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine relationships among perceived body weight, actual body weight, body satisfaction, and selected health behaviors. Methods: The study was conducted at a southern Louisiana university with students enrolled in undergraduate classes. A total of 515 students participated in this study. Results: Students were mostly female (68%), Caucasian (68%), and freshmen (59%). Freshmen had significantly lower body mass index (BMI) measurements than seniors. Several health behaviors had significant relationships with BMI, including drinking diet soda, eating at the student union, and stress eating. Weight perception was related to scores on the Body Satisfaction Scale (BSS), where students who were more overweight scored higher on the BSS, indicating dissatisfaction. Discussion: Overall, students had an accurate perception of their weight but overreported height. The mean BMI for all students was considered overweight, indicating need for weight loss interventions. Translation to Health Education Practice: It is important to monitor a variety of health behaviors in a university student population. This information can be used to indicate areas where health education interventions are needed.

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