
In recent years, corrective feedback has important role in Second language classroom. It becomes a good way to improve the students’errors both structural and spoken. Corrective feedback has been discussed mainly in writing class but less in speaking class. This objective of the research is describing the impact of verbal and non verbal corrective feedback that used in conversation courses. This study is descriptive qualitative research because the purpose is to gain information about phenomena that exist in this research. This study focused on conversation courses dealing with structural errors and spoken errors. The result explained that in conversation courses, the teacher used the various kinds of verbal-non verbal corrective feedback and verbal corrective feedback became more dominant and be efficient to correct students’ structural errors and spoken errors. The subject of the research is first semester and third semester of English Education Department students at Islamic Madura University-Pamekasan, east Java. The research conducted in four classes, two classes are first semester and two classes are third semester students. The four classes are joined then divided into two classes which each class consists of first and third semester students. Both classes is treated by verbal-non verbal for 5 weeks. The data were discussed qualitatively. The study found a significant effect for verbal Feedback that used to improve structural error in the use of tenses but no overall effect on accuracy improvement of Pronunciation. Students still have errors in pronouncing some words. It is hard to correct because it is influenced by Madurasse dialect.
 Keywords : Verbal-non verbal, Corrective Feedback, Pronunciation, Grammatical Error. 
 Abstrak: Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, koreksi timbal balik mempunyai peranan penting dalam kelas bahasa kedua. Ini menjadi cara yang baik untuk memperbaiki kesalahan siswa baik secara structural maupun lisan. Koreksi umpan balik telah dibahas terutama dalam kelas writing tapi kurang dalam kelas speaking. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan dampak umpan balik korektif langsung dan tidak langsung yang digunakan dalam kelas speaking. Penelitian ini menggunakan design descriptive qualitative research karena bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang fenomena yang ada dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini focus pada kelas speaking yang berhubungan dengan kesalahan structural dan kesalahan pengucapan. Hasilnya menjelaskan bahwa dalam kelas speaking dosen menggunakan beberapa jenis verbal-nonverbal corrective feedback dan umpan balik korektif verbal menjadi lebih dominan dan efisien untuk memperbaiki kesalahan structural dan kesalahan pengucapan. Subyek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa jurusan Pendidikan bahasa Inggris semester pertama dan ketiga di Universitas Islam Madura –pamekasan, Jawa timur. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam empat kelas , dua kelas adalah semester pertama dan dua kelas semester ketiga. Keempat kelas tersebut digabungkan menjadi dua kelas yang masing-masing terdiri dari mahasiswa semester pertama dan ketiga. Kedua kelas tersebut diperlakukan dengan CF verbal-non verbal for 5 weeks. Data yang diperoleh di bahasa secara kualitative. Penelitian ini menemukan efek yang signifikan bahwa umpan balik verbal lebih sering digunakan untuk memperbaiki kesalahan structural dalam penggunaan tenses tetapi tidak ada efek keseluruhan pada peningkatan akurasi pengucapan . Siswa masih memiliki kesalahan dalam mengucapkan beberapa kata dan sulit untuk diperbaiki karena dipengaruhi logat bahasa Madura.


  • The using of corrective feedback in ESL learning has grown rapidly

  • Corrective feedback begins in early childhood with motherese, in which a parent or caregiver provides subtle corrections of a young child’s spoken errors (Wikipedia, 2017)

  • The researcher analyzes verbal-non verbal corrective feedback that the lecturer used in the speaking class

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The using of corrective feedback in ESL learning has grown rapidly. Corrective feedback begins in early childhood with motherese, in which a parent or caregiver provides subtle corrections of a young child’s spoken errors (Wikipedia, 2017). Mother gives corrective feedback to improve her child spoken errors. The child can repeat what mother say and understand which one is right. Corrective feedback is very important used in teaching learning foreign language. Learning European Languages are more active used the roles of corrective feedback and the learners have good uptakes. The teacher can use corrective feedback to correct the students’ structural errors and spoken errors. The students can understand why it is error and able to improve it

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