
Object: to study the applicability of the South Korean experience of the post-war national reconstruction and development to post-war economic recovery of Ukraine in correlation with those countries’ evolutionary positions on the Inglehart–Welzel cultural map of the world and the current state of the global economic environment.Methods: abstract-logical; the interdisciplinary application of tools of political economy, sociology, theory of modernization and the world-system theory; axiological approach; comparative analysis.Findings: a comparison of the key cultural and value parameters of the development of Ukraine and South Korea in the context of the tasks of the post-war reconstruction of the Ukrainian economy and the current state of the global economic environment was carried out. The cause-and-effect relationships of the “South Korean economic miracle” with the system of social values were determined. In this context, the possibility of applying the South Korean experience of national reconstruction for the post-war recovery of Ukraine’s economy was substantiated.Conclusions: it was inferred that the potential South Korean “Marshall Plan for Ukraine” could include, along with the financial and material resource assistance from the Republic of Korea, also the systematic use of South Korean experience in post-war reconstruction and modernization of the national economy under conditions of a longterm armed confrontation with “Northern neighbor” and bloc confrontation at the regional and global levels.

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