
The Product, Multimedia and Graphic design represent vital areas of the design, which human need in all daily life, as in many other areas of design, such as accessories, jewelry, clothes, fabrics, furniture, ceramics, sculpture, architecture, urban planning... etc. The Product, multimedia, and graphic design careers were greatly influenced by the emergence of new information's technologies, including virtual and augmented reality (50% of mobile users now make electronically shopping using augmented reality techniques), which contributed to the emergence of new areas of design practices and 3D modeling in the labor market, these new changes have led to the urgent need for new generation and one teamwork of product, multimedia, and graphic designers who have the new innovative capabilities and familiarity with many of modern sciences like cinematic tricks, 3D motion graphics, application programming, 3D modeling, virtual models... etc., which all are associated with such new technologies. The virtual and augmented reality makes such design careers closer to each other, so this paper discusses the expected and increased relation of product, multimedia, and graphic design professions in the light of using these new technologies in the product design, advertising, marketing... etc., and its effect on the labor market and the design process practicing..

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