
The construction of toll gates and new road networks has an impact on changes in land use around it. The operation of section 1 of the Semarang - Solo Toll Road provides another alternative access to the road network between the City of Ungaran and the surrounding areas, namely, the City of Semarang and Bawen. This development increases the accessibility of Ungaran with the surrounding areas and has an impact on the surrounding land use. The Ungaran toll gate is located in the Kalirejo Village, so it has had an impact on the physical change of the agricultural land into economic and residential areas. Bawen has changes in surrounding land use both before and after the operation of toll gates. The objectives of this study are (1) to find out the impact of toll gate construction on changes in land use, (2) to understand the distribution and pattern of settlements and (3) to know the distribution and patterns of trade and services. The method of determining the number of samples used the formula of the Technical Guidelines for Collecting and Processing Spatial Mangrove Data from the Geospatial Information Agency from the total land use population in Sidomulyo and Kalirejo Villages. The calculation results obtained 91 number of samples, and samples were taken in areas that occurred changes in land use between 2011 and 2018. The method of analysis used is quantitative descriptive. Changes in land use that occurred after the completion of the Ungaran toll gate in 2015 were dominated by the changes in land use into fields, trade and services and settlements. Changes in land use that occurred in 2018 were dominated by land use into settlements, public, and trade and services. The conclusion obtained in this study is that the changes in land use in the period 2011 to 2018 as a result of the construction of the Ungaran toll gate have total areas of 63.21 ha. Changes in land use are dominated by land use into settlements, fields and trade and services.

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