
Teresa Faykus, Faculty Advisor, Nursing, West Liberty University; Taylor Curry, Nursing Student and Austin Raines, Nursing Student, West Liberty University, West Liberty, WV.The Impact of Two-Minute Training Sessions on Confidence Level For Providing Compression- Only Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Studies have shown that bystander compression-only resuscitation for adult, out-of-hospital cardiac arrest victims improve overall survival rates. Unfortunately, 70% of Americans do not know how to administer resuscitation attempts or are afraid of hurting the victim. Therefore, only 27-41% of sudden cardiac arrest victims receive immediate resuscitation attempts. The research question is: Can simplified performance steps, simplified training, and elimination of mouth-to-mouth contact help bystanders feel more confident in taking the appropriate actions for saving a life? Objectives include training college students, staff, and faculty in chest-compression only resuscitation for an adult sudden cardiac arrest victim; measuring self-reported confidence levels before and after the training by using a Likert scale, and gathering self-reported confidence level factors. Nursing students included staff, faculty, and students to randomly participate. Data was gathered, a two-minute training and a return demonstration was completed, and post confidence levels were recorded. Of the total 134 participants, 85% reported a positive change in confidence levels. Of those, 55% had positive differences in their confidence of 2, 3, or 4 levels. When dissecting the confidence factors, three of the six options stood out as being the most chosen: “I feel that I may hurt someone if I don’t do it correctly”, “I don’t know the steps of CPR”, and “I’m afraid that I would get in trouble or get sued”. By understanding how confident the public is in initiating CPR and what influences these confidence levels, training can be better guided.

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