
The aim of this research is to determine the changes in aerobic endurance of students achieved after taking part in Special Physical Education 1, general part - SPE 1 program activities realization. The initial and final measurements of aerobic endurance (Cooper’s test of running for 12 minutes) in 119 of students (39 female and 80 male students, aged 19 to 21) of the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies in Belgrade-CPU students were carried out during the freshmen year of undergraduate studies at the beginning and the end of the summer semester, i.e., at the entrance exam and after SPE 1 realization. The Student’s t-test for dependent samples was used to determine the significance of the differences between the variables monitored at the initial and the final measurement. The results for the sample of female students (N=39) showed that after teaching SPE 1, a statistically significant change (p<0.018) in the aerobic endurance occurred (M=2288.2±218.27m, Mean±SD; t=-2.473 at the final measurement vs M=2226.8±277.07m, Mean±SD at the initial measurement). The results obtained for the sample of male students (N=80) showed also that after realized teaching SPE 1, a statistically significant change (p<0.021) in the above mentioned variable occurred, also (M=2847.7±185.77m, Mean±SD; t=-2.512 at the final measurement vs M=2747.8 ±237.03m, Mean±SD at the initial measurement). It can be concluded that after the SPE 1 course taught during the freshmen year of undergraduate studies aerobic endurance significantly improved in students of both genders.

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