
The article is devoted to the analysis of the security policy of the Republic of Moldova under the influence of the modern Russian-Ukrainian war. The Transnistrian factor is considered as a serious threat, as well as the role and place of Ukraine as an important tool for strengthening the national security of the Republic of Moldova. The author states that today the Republic of Moldova is faced with a choice between maintaining economic relations with the Russian Federation, which in fact make it dependent on Moscow, and the possibility of potential restoration and strengthening of national sovereignty and security with the help of a third constructive geopolitical power, which Ukraine can act in particular. Along with the potential resolution of the PMR issue, Moldova will acquire a powerful military ally, which is now rapidly strengthening its own forces not only in the Black Sea region, but also on the entire European continent. That is why the development and deepening of bilateral relations and the gradual formation of an adequate system of interaction, especially in the military sphere, is extremely important for the state sovereignty and security of the Republic of Moldova.

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