
Abstract : As a growing area of warfare, Joint Theater Air and Missile Defense (JTAMD) presents an environment that challenges the U.S. military to achieve unprecedented levels of force integration. As the ballistic and cruise missile threat continues to expand and include weapons of mass destruction, the Joint Force Commander must employ a force package capable of succeeding in any theater, regardless of its maturity level. Joint doctrine, and the roles and missions of the Joint Force Air Component Commander (JFACC) and Area Air Defense Commander (AADC), play an integral part in his ability to execute JTAMD effectively and efficiently. The JFACC and AADC currently inhibit force effectiveness through disparities and overlap of missions, as well as frequent dual and triple hatting functional and service component commands. Resultant problems include inappropriate apportionment of resources, lack of focus on the objective, and inadequate staffing at the functional component command. All of these problems degrade force integration and reduce both effectiveness and efficiency. Solving these problems, primarily through more specific joint doctrine that provides distinct roles for the JFACC and AADC, will produce defense in depth, unity of effort and economy of force.

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