
The specific geopolitical position and a long history of cooperation with European countries contribute to Ukraine’s interest in active participation in integration processes in Europe. Thus, the European integration is officially declared the key priority of Ukraine’s foreign policy. For Ukraine, European integration is the way of modernizing the economy, overcoming technological backwardness, attracting foreign investments and new technologies, creating new jobs, increasing competitiveness of domestic producers, access to world markets. The article examines the trends and prospects of the development of relations between Ukraine and the EU with using modern assessment methods. It outlines the geopolitical priorities of Ukraine’s integration strategy, determines the legal aspects of relations between Ukraine and the EU, analyses the main directions of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU. The need for developing an integration strategy for Ukraine was caused by the desire of our country to meet the requirements of modern global economic and political system as well as finding additional means to counter threats to international security. The current state of European integration relations in Ukraine is characterized by the following features: there are no measures in place to grow the economy of Ukraine and to improve the standard of living of its population; not the effectiveness of the mechanisms of stabilization and settlement of internal political and military conflicts, because the political benefits from the integration of Ukraine to the EU are related to the creation of reliable mechanisms of political stability, democracy and security. The benefits of European integration for Ukraine are identified: it will provide more effective coordination with the European countries in the sphere of control over export and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, will help to intensify cooperation in the fight against terrorism, organized crime, smuggling, illegal migration, trafficking and others. However, the success of any integration policy lies not in the statements and declarations of the European choice, but in the observance of the principles and objectives of that policy. The article substantiates the peculiarities of the development of the agrarian sector of the economy in the context of integration into the EU, which confirms that the modern global society is undergoing transformational processes, in which Ukraine must take and takes part. The current problems of national integration strategies in the context of the main aspects of the modern EU are also analyses. The use of an econometric method for predicting the effectiveness of the integration of cooperation between the EU and Ukraine is offered.

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