
A survey of directors of federally supported genetics, sickle cell and hemophilia programs was undertaken to determine the effect of reduced federal awards for fiscal year 1983 (FY83). Most states deemed ineligible for federal genetics and sickle cell grants for FY83 were unable to make up federal losses with funds from other sources. In FY82, per capita allocations to genetics and sickle cell programs were not significantly different between states that remained eligible in FY83 and those that became ineligible. In FY83, however, per capita allocations were significantly lower in the ineligible states. If cutbacks were to curtail operations, most program directors would give their highest priority to preserving newborn screening and follow-up services. Of the 23 states that do not currently charge for newborn screening, 8 are contemplating imposition of a charge. The findings suggest that continued or expanded availability of genetic services depends, in part, on federal support.

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