
An analysis of the state of education at school leads to the conclusion that, in the secondary school age, the individual enters a new period of development and the definition of personal values changes. The psychological characteristics of students of this school age make it more urgent to develop the motivation and value of students of secondary school age in their educational activities. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to seek and explore conditions that encourage motivation to maintain interest in the cognitive activities of students. The article at the theoretical and empirical level proves that the level of development of motivation and cognitive activity depends on the conditions of education and upbringing defined pedagogical conditions that have the greatest impact on these personal characteristics. The authors identified the following conditions: training using the research method, based on the leading type of activity, taking into account the personal interests of students, building individual educational routes, by filling them with non-formal education funds as part of extra-time activities. These studies make a theoretical contribution to pedagogical science. The validity of the provisions is also proved by empirical research (questionnaires, observations, testing). The experimental study also applied mathematical methods to the results of the experiment (of variation, Whitney U-test). The results obtained by the authors can be useful for further research into the development of motivational and value attitude to cognitive activity of secondary school students in a digital educational environment.

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