
The subject of the research is demographic processes reflected in the population dynamics and fertility and mortality indices as well as the state of migration that might compensate for the natural population decline. The purposes of the research were to reveal the main threats to the economic security of the country due to ill-timed resolution of demographic problems and propose measures to overcome the negative trends. The research was based on studying the demographic processes in Russia and a number of other countries to make sure the country is in the mainstream of the changes taking place in developed economies. However, there are certain deviations in a number of indices demonstrating a demographic crisis that has not been overcome and tends to aggravate. The research makes it clear that the demographic situation in Russia has been gradually deteriorating alternating with short periods of improvement of demographic indicators. It has been established that the state demographic policy is the most important mechanism to combat the demographic crisis, providing other relevant conditions are observed. In furtherance of the above-mentioned, the Concept of the Demographic Policy developed under the Presidential Decree of May 2018 was examined. It is noted that based on political decisions, tools are being developed to mitigate the emerging threats to the national economic security. It is concluded that the importance of numerous measures taken periodically by the government including substantial financial injections to support fertility and overcome high mortality rates cannot be overestimated. Along with that, current demographic problems cannot be solved only by financial support of low-income families, hence a well-thoughtout system approach is required. Fragmentary measures to improve the demographic situation in the country can yield a temporary positive effect but are unable to change the situation totally.

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