
Recall that a space X is selectively pseudocompact if for every sequence {Un:n∈N} of non-empty open subsets of X one can choose a point xn∈Un for all n∈N such that the resulting sequence {xn:n∈N} has an accumulation point in X. This notion was introduced under the name strong pseudocompactness by García-Ferreira and Ortiz-Castillo; the present name is due to Dorantes-Aldama and the first listed author. In 2015, García-Ferreira and Tomita constructed a pseudocompact Boolean group that is not selectively pseudocompact. We prove that if the subgroup topology on every countable subgroup H of an infinite Boolean topological group G is finer than its maximal precompact topology (the so-called Bohr topology of H), then G is not selectively pseudocompact, and from this result we deduce that many known examples in the literature of pseudocompact Boolean groups automatically fail to be selectively pseudocompact. We also show that, under the Singular Cardinal Hypothesis, every infinite pseudocompact Boolean group admits a pseudocompact reflexive group topology which is not selectively pseudocompact.

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